October 09, 2020

Boost Immunity & Fight Aging With The Right Foods

Think of your food as your fuel and strive for balance. Limit empty calories and foods that cause dangerous insulin spikes and leave you feeling fatigued.  Choose nutritious foods to fuel your day and also help prevent illness as you will be better off for it! . Here are 8 tips the Right Foods that can help your body

  1. Kelp increases your iodine intake – Iodine is essential to the thyroid and low iodine levels can cause sluggishness, weight gain, and moodiness.  Kelp is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iodine. Other power greens include: kale, bok choy, spinach, parsley, green beans, alfalfa
  2. Ginger reduces nausea – Ginger has been known for centuries to aid in digestion and calm the stomach and it is also used as a treatment for arthritis. Ginger is now widely recognized for its ability to reduce nausea.  Sources of ginger include ginger root, foods and drinks that contain ginger, and in an herbal form in extracts, capsules, and oils.
  3. Mushrooms promote health  Studies continue to examine how shiitake mushrooms may fight cancer by boosting the immune system through the compound lentinan, believed to slow tumor growth. According to the American Cancer Society “at least one randomized clinical trial of lentinan has shown it to prolong life of patients with advanced and recurrent stomach and colorectal cancer.”  Common types of mushrooms include: white button, shiitake, portabella, cremini.
  4. Good vs. Bad Fats – Calorie restricting often leads to fat reduction in the diet.  Fat is essential for your brain to function properly.  Healthy fats, also known as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated may reduce your risk of heart disease. Healthy sources for good fats include: fish, avocado, olive oil and nuts  – walnuts, almonds and pecans.
  5. Beets offer energy: Carbohydrates give you energy. Beets are a natural energy supply packed with the following carbs, calcium, iron and vitamins A & C.   Beets are also a bit sweet so can satisfy a mid-afternoon sugar craving without the guilt.  Beets have been shown to help fight cancer and protect against heart disease.
  6. Probiotics fight disease:  Probiotics are live microorganisms (friendly bacteria) that live within your body to protect against disease. They can be found in foods including: yogurt, kefir, and soy beverages.  Probiotics can also come in an oral supplement form.
  7. Calcium for bone health: Eating calcium rich foods (vs. calcium pills) aids in maintaining bone health and healing broken bones. The next step is incorporating vitamin D, which helps your body absorb the calcium. Sources include: dairy products (yogurt/milk), green vegetables (kale), nuts and beans, eggs, dairy, fatty fish (salmon), irritable bowel syndrome, skin infection,
  8. Swiss chard offers many benefits.  A relative of the beet, Swiss chard is an excellent source of vitamins C, E, and K, as well as fiber, zinc, and calcium. Swiss chard has wide green leaves with stalks that range in color from white to red to yellow. The taste is a combination of bitter and salty. Swiss chard also supports bone health, fights stress related disease and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Think of your food as your fuel and strive for balance. Limit empty calories and foods that cause dangerous insulin spikes and leave you feeling fatigued.  Choose nutritious foods to fuel your day and also help prevent illness as you will be better off for it!

Additional information: 10 of the Best Foods to Help You Heal

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